EXCLUSIVE: Real Barack Obama Birth Certificate. Obama Born as MUSLIM in SINGAPORE

September 7, 2009 at 11:16 pm 10 comments

Thanks to my insider status within the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Community, specifically the Committee on (Non)Existent Committees, I have obtained tonight a copy of the REAL and CERTIFIED Birth Certificate of Barack Hussein Obama. My source must remain anonymous because she is a highly privileged employee of the executive committee of the United Nations Security Council and fears for her life if her identity becomes known. But I can vouch that this document is REAL and CERTIFIED VERIFIABLE. This birth certificate of “Barry” aka “Barack” Obama Soetoro is as REAL as I am and bears as much PHYSICAL PROOF as there is for MY OWN EXISTENCE. The veracity of this birth certificate has also been vouchsafed for by a Certified Examiner the Society for American Forensic Engineers, whose Document of Examination and Certification can be found here.

The following is my scan of the original document, which remains LOCKED in a SAFE VAULT in an undisclosed location to protect against saboteurs and the government interference of lawyers and military officers. Below is a thumbnail: click the image to review the document at full-scale resolution:

REAL Birth Certificate of Barack Hussein Obama, Real As Me: Born in Singapore

An initial analysis of the contents of this birth certificate reveals that Barack Hussein Obama was born in SINGAPORE, not the UNITED STATES, and is therefore a British Citizen. Additionally, occupational detail reveal the association of mother Stanley Ann Dunham and father Barack Obama, Sr, with black supremacist, Marxist and Islamofascist movement activities at the time of the birth of the future “Barry Soetoro.” Is this a connection to the agenda of President Barack Obama today? Will we ever find out? Or have They already destroyed the rest of the truth?

Why hasn’t Barack Obama denied his Singaporean heritage and ancestry? Why hasn’t it been addressed? What is Barack Obama AFRAID of? Is it a COINCIDENCE that this REAL birth certificate has been [note: the remainder of this message has been deleted due to inappopriate content, sincerely, Ivan Kidden-Yew, President ICANN]

Signing Off,

Anonymous X

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Another Chump: Walks With Whispers Believes the Occidental Lie THAT Americans for Freedom of Information Isn’t The Real Deal Either

10 Comments Add your own

  • 1. weez  |  September 8, 2009 at 12:36 am

    Charles. Nelson. Reilly.

    What a hoot. 😀

    You’d have to be over 40 to catch that joke.

  • 2. Keisha  |  September 11, 2009 at 6:34 pm

    What is BO afraid of? Why doesnt the government just come out and tell us the truth.

    • 3. tracking2008  |  September 13, 2009 at 3:02 pm

      Excellent question! Why won’t Barack Obama release all information about U.S. government-sponsored torture? Why has he redacted reports regarded extraordinary rendition? Why won’t the government tell us the truth about the volume and extent of domestic warrantless surveillance under the FISA Amendments Act? Why won’t Barack Obama…

      … what?

      … oh, you want to know why the government won’t release the version of a some hypothetical document that would confirm your prejudices by showing Barack Obama is a native-born African, a spearchucker, a jigaboo?

      Well, the answer to that one is easy: no such document exists, and Barack Obama’s real birth records have already been fully released and certified by the Republican who runs the Hawaii Department of Health.

      I know, that’s not the answer you’re looking for. So do what I do: MAKE SOME MORE SHIT UP!!! I find it successfully distracts one from having to deal with reality and the ugliness of one’s soul.

      Making shit up is also easier than dealing with real scandals, because if one wants to deal with reality, one has to read and think, and that just makes one’s brain hurt.

      • 4. lucid  |  January 14, 2010 at 4:30 pm

        Didn’t Obama spend a million dollars on lawyers to keep his college transcripts sealed? I would say that’s quite a scandal.

        But, I suppose you are one of the few people with the clairvoyance to indicate what a real scandal is.

        So, tell us, what are the real scandals?

  • 5. mis  |  September 18, 2009 at 3:27 am

    Its interesting that the person certified a future birth that occurred in 1961 in 1959. Hmmmmm. All I can say is get a life…

  • 6. Disgusted  |  September 19, 2009 at 3:30 am

    Wow….great job with Photoshop! whoever did this is very talented, with very little brains. LOL
    you people are just a joke and a laugh a minute. Keep talking crap, eventually even the most conservative Republicans will turn their backs and refuse to listen to your CRAP!

  • 7. weez  |  September 21, 2009 at 7:23 pm

    wow, I see this group that doesn’t exist is still sucking in the suckers that DO exist.

    The nutbags have got another 7 years to get used to a smart black man ruling their world. 😀

  • 8. weez  |  January 24, 2010 at 7:05 pm

    @lucid – No, he didn’t. Try getting your news from some place other than WorldNutDaily & Fux Noise.

  • 9. Samatha  |  September 2, 2010 at 6:25 pm

    Did you notice the date at bottom for the registration oficer signature is 17th of November in 1959? Curious huh

    • 10. Amfoi Joe  |  October 29, 2010 at 3:11 pm

      Oh, hon, there’s a LOT of details to notice about that Real Birth Certificate!


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A Clue for the Literal-Minded

Read these tiny words very closely: the group Americans for Freedom of Information does not exist, just like the supposed "AP article" you keep cutting and pasting into e-mails to your irritated family does not exist, just like the "Daily Mail article" referenced in the fake "AP article" does not exist. They're all fabrications. Fakes. Hoaxes. Ask yourself why you're so eager to believe these obvious fakes. No, really. Really, really ask yourself.

A Clue for Those Especially Allergic to Satire

No, we didn't create the hoax, either. Remember, we at Americans for Freedom of Information don't exist!

No One knows who did create the hoax. Unfortunately, we don't know No One or where he lives, so we can't ask No One about it. We do know her sister, Imnot Telling, but ever since the thing in the place with that other thing, we're not on speaking terms.